Wednesday, September 28, 2011


This is Mareena, a custom 12 inch doll.  She is one of my favorites thus far.  I love her color combo that this customer picked out.  I also loved the way her dress came out.  Just a classic style dress and I'm always a fan of crochet lace.  She just has a simple elegance about her.  She was a hard one to send away. We all fell in love with her.  That doesn't always happen here.  My kids will sometimes find one they love but it's rarely the same doll for them all.
My little girl said she should be named Maria and then my older daughter thought it would be funny to name her Aqua Maria.  So somehow in all that discussion we came up with Mareena.  I love it when my kids come up with names.  Sometimes they do a good job and other times you wonder where in the world they got that name from.  

Love the little bloomers also!